Q59 – Least Cost Method is also known as __________. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current solution is ______________. economical; scientific; a and b both; artistic; Q2. A the question of whether the results of a study can be generalized beyond the specific research context B whether the research question is judged to be a good research question by those outside the study 76. School of Distance Education Research Methodology Page 5 46. a) Selecting a research agency to help b) Defining the problem and research objectives c) Developing the research plan d) Determining a research approach e)C and D 5) In the second step of the marketing research process, research objectives should be translated into specific _____. a) The researcher's plan of action to be followed when … Chose the correct statement: A degenerate solution is one that______________. 71. all the best. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Answer: (C) Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process? Once you have completed the test, click on 'Submit Answers for Grading' to get your results. These Research Design Objective Questions with Answers are important for competitive exams MBA, UGC NET, GATE, IBPS Specialist Recruitment Test. In which situation x2 (Cbi square) test can be used? Q30 – The objective function for a minimization problem is given by. Yes, the initial solution can be improved by $10. Chapter 05: Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses Grove: Understanding Nursing Research, 6th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. provide a means of representing a dummy problem. Q67 – What is the fundamental purpose of game theory? Q7 – The objective function and constraints are functions of two types of variables. When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is: (A) Cluster Sampling In a network diagram an event is denoted by the symbol ______________. Q36 – Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable are __________. The model in which only arrivals are counted and no departure takes place are called ______________. Select all … Q83 – The northwest corner rule requires that we start allocating units to shipping routes in the: middle cell. Q110 – In case of an unbalanced problem, shipping cost coefficients of ______ are assigned to each created dummy factory or warehouse. second part of the marketing research problem definition focus on the key aspects of the problem and provide clear guidelines on how to proceed. This is an example of. Which of the following vectors are linearly independent? 4th Semester Model MCQ Fourth paper 1. Only empty squares can be used to trace a path back to a square containing an assigned shipment, positive cost coefficients; negative cost coefficients, Large cost coefficients; small cost coefficients, an improvement index for the stepping-stone method, the opportunity costs for using a particular route, Prevent solution from becoming degenerate, Ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit, It leads to a degenerate initial solution, The closed path indicates a diagonal move. The assignment problem will have alternate solutions when the total opportunity cost matrix has _____ atleast one zero in each row and column; The minimal cost network flows are special cases of transportation problems, The transportation problems are formulated in terms of tableaus, while the minimal cost network flows are formulated in terms of graphs. Q16 – OR techniques help the directing authority in optimum allocation of various limited resources like_____, Q17 -The Operations research technique which helps in minimizing total waiting and service costs is. Q103 – The net cost of shipping one unit on a route not used in the current transportation problem solution is called the __________. How would you define 'the research process'? Q95 – Which of the following is a method for improving an initial solution in a transportation problem? Instructions. Q126 – The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. Q124 – In a transportation problem, when the number of occupied routes is less than the number of rows plus the number of columns -1, we say that the solution is: Q125 – The only restriction we place on the initial solution of a transportation problem is that: we must have nonzero quantities in a majority of the boxes. With over 27 questions, this quiz will help guide, inform and teach you the basic things you need to know about research. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. In operations research, the ——————————are prepared for situations. the cost of shipping one unit from each origin to each destination, the destination points and the demand per period at each, the origin points and the capacity or supply per period at each, there are no economies of scale if large quantities are shipped from one source to one destination. The quiz below will test your knowledge of the subject. Q13 What have been constructed from OR problems an methods for solving the models that are available in many cases? Q42 – If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table, then the solution is ___________. d. state the research purpose. Yes, this solution can be improved by $100. a) The problem of objectivity b) The problem of "going native" c) The problem of omission d) The problem of robustness Answer: C A. economical B. scientific C. a and b both D. artistic 2. This leads to more informed —-. What are characteristics of the literature review required for a quantitative research study? Q31 – In game theory, the outcome or consequence of a strategy is referred to as the, Q33 – Operation research approach is typically based on the use of _____, Q34 – Mathematical model of linear programming problem is important because ________. Q47 -The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to ______. 77. b) Free … It is a table of random digits. 2. (a) k = 2, but some expected frequencies are … _______________ variables and ____________ variables. In scientific method, a predictive statement about observation that can be tested scientifically is … initial statement of the marketing research problem that provides an appropriate perspective on the problem. Q114 – An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem exists whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused route of transportation is: Q115 – One disadvantage of using North-West Corner rule to find initial solution to the transportation problem is that, Q116 – The solution to a transportation problem with ‘m’ rows (supplies) & ‘n’ columns (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocations are, Q117 – If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it should be, Q118 – During an iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may occur when, Q119 – The large negative opportunity cost value in an unused cell in a transportation table is chosen to improve the current solution because, Q120 – The smallest quantity is chosen at the corners of the closed path with negative sign to be assigned at unused cell because, Q121 – When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem, the problem is said to be, Q122 – Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem, Q123 – The degeneracy in the transportation problem indicates that. 72. Q101 – In a transportation problem, we must make the number of _______ and______ equal. This quiz is here to serve you as a practice test for all the Nursing Research exams, It is true that doctors are the significant priority people in the health profession, but without the nurses, they cannot carry out their work. Q23 -In graphical method the restriction on number of constraint is _________. Chapter 5: Choosing your research design: Multiple choice questions: Multiple choice questions Try the multiple choice questions below to test your knowledge of this chapter. b. explore the background for the research problem. Statement of problem Enactment ... MCQ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Research … MCQ ON OPERATIONS RESEARCH. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. All the research questions are placed in quiz format just for the sake of knowledge and exam preparation. Research Methodology b. A. OR can evaluate only the effects of ————————————————–. Find the direction vector d, where a finite optimal solution can be reached. Page 8. Q43 – For any primal problem and its dual ______________. Practice for BBA or MBA exams using these MCQ. Two or more occupied cells are on the closed path but neither of them represents a corner of the path. Q62 – A strategy that is best regardless of what rival players do is called, Q63 – A game that involves interrelated decisions that are made over time is a, Q64 – A game that involves multiple moves in a series of identical situations is called a, Q65 – Sequential games can be solved using, Q66 – A firm that is threatened by the potential entry of competitors into a market builds excess production capacity. The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is: (A) Applied research (B) Action research (C) Experimental research (D) None of these. MCQ on Operations Research. How-ever, the only condition is that __________. Operations research is the application of _____methods to arrive at the optimal Solutions to the problems. Practice for BBA or MBA exams using these MCQ. Q51 – To proceed with the MODI algorithm for solving an assignment problem, the number of dummy allocations need to be added are ___________. Q107 – _______ occurs when the number of occupied squares is less than the number of rows plus. Try and learn! The hyperplane for the objective function cuts a bounded feasible region in the space (x1,x2,x3). Q25 -Graphical optimal value for Z can be obtained from, Q26 -In LPP the condition to be satisfied is, Q27 – Identify the type of the feasible region given by the set of inequalities. Q18 .What is the objective function in linear programming problems? Answer: C. 3. Q91 – What is the difference between minimal cost network flows and transportation problems? Q28 -Consider the given vectors: a(2,0), b(0,2), c(1,1), and d(0,3). Page 6. Q41 – If all aij values in the entering variable column of the simplex table are negative, then ___________. Research Methodology multiple choice questions and answers on Research Methodology MCQ questions quiz on Research Methodology objectives questions. Q87 – The solution presented in the following table is, Q88 – The solution shown was obtained by Vogel’s approximation. Q40 – In the optimal simplex table, Zj-Cj=0 value indicates _____________. Q38 – Utilization factor is also known as ___________. must be a corner point of the feasible region. Q57 – Service mechanism in a queuing system is characterized by ___, Q58 – The problem of replacement is felt when job performing units fail ____. Q129 – An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem exists whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused routes of transportation is: Q130 – One disadvantage of using North-West Corner Rule to find initial solution to the transportation problem is that, Your email address will not be published. Q44 – Principle of complementary slackness states that ____________. Random sampling is helpful as it is __________. develop the initial solution to the transportation problem. This solution would be improved by shipping from B to W. This solution was developed using the northwest corner rule. Q45 – If primal linear programming problem has a finite solution, then dual linear programming problem should have ____________. Reference c. Conclusion d. None of these. Q46 – The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. Final stage in the Research Process is . CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY- Important questions, INTERNET PROGRAMMING- Important Questions, MCQ ON CLUTCH, TRANSMISSION, PROPELLER SHAFT & AXIS, mcq on suspension system, wheels and tyres, Production Planning Control MCQ with Answers, viva question for production planning & control, An objective for research and development of a company, Constraints are given by a set of linear equations, Constraints are given only by inequalities of >= type, Constraints are given only by inequalities of <= type, Two variables are basic, two variables are non-basic, Three variables are basic, one variable is non-basic, decision makers prefer to work with formal models, it captures the relevant relationship among decision factors, it enables the use of algebraic technique, need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them. Introduction to Educational Research Multiple Choice Questions for Objective 2: 1 . Q39 – While solving a linear programming problem in feasibility may be removed by _________. Which of the following is a problem associated with survey research? we must have a number (equal to the number of rows plus the number of columns minus one) of boxes which contain nonzero quantities. MBA MCQ.com Search. ______________ is used for non-repetitive jobs, 80. In operations research, the -----are prepared for situations. Q48 – Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem ____________. Q1. Q105 – The method of finding an initial solution based upon opportunity costs is called__________. a) An economical method of data collection. 26 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on Consumer Behaviour. Q10 – OR has a characteristics that it is done by a team of, Q11 – A solution can be extracted from a model either by, Q12 OR uses models to help the management to determine its _____________. Can this solution be improved if it costs $5 per unit to ship from A to C; $7 per unit to ship from A to D; $8 to ship from B to C; and $9 to ship from B to D? Q56 – The cell without allocation is called __________. MCQs- Principles of Management 195+ MCQs - Nature & Significance of Management 8+ MCQ's for ENTREPRENEURIAL JOURNEY Ch-3 6+ MCQs - Chapter - Directing - Part-2 5+ Characteristics of AI Problems 4+ State Space Search 4+ Case Study-Directing 4+ Operations research is the application of Solutions to the problems. Research conducted to find solution for an immediate problem is A. Methods and issues in Social Research” is written by a) Black James and Champions b) P .V. Q8 – Operations research was known as an ability to win a war without really going in to ____. Which of the following is not an essential element of report writing? Q82 – Which method usually gives a very good solution to the assignment problem? Q20 – Feasible solution satisfies __________. The solution is inefficient in that it is possible to use fewer routes. Young Q108 – Both transportation and assignment problems are members of a category of LP problems called ______. The Process of Research Quiz! ..... will help in finding out a problem for research ... MCQ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Research Methodology. Operations research is based upon collected information, knowledge and advanced study of various factors impacting a particular operation. Q60 – The objective of network analysis is to ___________. Problem formulation; Data collection; Data Analysis Report Writing 143. What is the expected time? OPERATIONS RESEARCH Multiple Choice Questions 1. Q5. MCQ-Contemporary Marketing Research 1) Which form of data below can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than the others? Q15 -What enables us to determine the earliest and latest times for each of the events and activities and thereby helps in the identification of the critical path? How many basic and non-basic variables are defined by this equation? Q3. ... Mr. Salyer's choice of a specific research approach to his research problem should be guided by the extent to which the approach : provides a reasonable answer to the research question. Multiple choice Questions on Operations Research. Q111 – The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. problems with _____, which is often the hardest step to take. 73. The assignment problem will have alternate solutions when the total opportunity cost matrix has ______________, gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem, gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables, yields more than one way to achieve the objective, when there is a tie between zero opportunity cost cells. Operations management can be defined as the application of ————-to a problem within a system to yield the optimal solution. d- all the above. determine whether a given solution is feasible or not. Education WordPress Theme By Themesglance. make certain that the total cost does not exceed some specified figure. the number of dummy sources equals the number of dummy destinations. Research Methodology Multiple Choice Questions:-1. Q14 -Which technique is used in finding a solution for optimizing a given objective, such as profit maximization or cost reduction under certain constraints? The most important initial step when developing a research study is to: a. develop the problem statement. Operations research is the application of _____methods to arrive at the optimal Solutions to the problems. The only restriction is that, Q93 – The purpose of the stepping-stone method is to, Q94 – The purpose of a dummy source or dummy destination in a transportation problem is to. c. identify the research problem. identify the relevant costs in a transportation problem. Q106 – An assignment problem can be viewed as a special case of transportation problem in which the capacity from each source is _______ and the demand at each destination is________. An improvement index that is a net positive means that the initial solution can be improved. In operations research, the ——————————are prepared for situations. Q55 – The cell with allocation can be called ___________ . Q35 – In Program Evaluation Review Technique for an activity, the optimistic time 2, the pessimistic time is 12 and most-likely time is 4. Q104 – The procedure used to solve assignment problems wherein one reduces the original assignment costs to a table of opportunity costs is called __________. 2. Q94 – Which of the following is NOT needed to use the transportation model? Q98 – What is the cost of the transportation solution shown in the table? Q68 – An assignment problem is considered as a particular case of a transportation problem because, Q69 – An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines that can be drawn through squares with zero opportunity cost be equal to the number of, Q70 – While solving an assignment problem, an activity is assigned to a resource through a square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to, Q71 – The method used for solving an assignment problem is called, Q72 – The purpose of a dummy row or column in an assignment problem is to, Q73 – Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization problem by, Q74 – If there were n workers & n jobs there would be, Q75 -An assignment problem can be solved by, Q77 – An assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem, where, Q78 – Every basic feasible solution of a general assignment problem, having a square pay-off matrix of order, n should have assignments equal t, Q79 – To proceed with the MODI algorithm for solving an assignment problem, the number of dummy allocations need to be added are, Q80 – The Hungarian method for solving an assignment problem can also be used to solve, Q81 An optimal solution of an assignment problem can be obtained only if. 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