BPHI1-Cross-hierarchy data Control firstly i am check order between 01.01.2011 to 31.01.2011 then orders are showing in AUFK and AFIH tables. PSMERK-Characteristics for summarization wo.classificatn COBRA-Settlement Rule for Order Settlement The business object “Equipment” is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained independently. COVJ12-CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) This site does not host any files on its server. COSSP-Transfer of the Order COSS Table to the Project COVO12-CO object: Fxd price agreement commitment ln items SAP Basis Administration SAP HANA SAP Crystal Reports SAP Lumira SAP Predictive Analysis SAP Enterprise Performance Management SAP Fiori SAP BW, SAP Interview Questions SAP Articles & References Transaction Codes Tables. BPGE1-Totals record total value Control In older version, I listed common plant maintenance tables such as the order master, operations, and status tables. Enhancement category i: Can be enhanced (character-type or numeric) EKBE-Purchasing Document History BPJA1-Totals record for total year value Control COSL1-CO Object: Activity Type Totals SAP Plant Maintenance?module consists of key activities to include inspection, notifications, corrective and preventive maintenance, repairs, and other measures to maintain … As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP PM-WOC (Maintenance Processing in PM) component which is coming under PM module (Plant Maintenance). Kind regards Man KBED01-Capacity Requirement Records (for LDB) - 01 PSTX1-PS Texts (Header) for Activity (1) Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. COSP1-CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings It belongs to the package IWO1. Important SAP QM Tables by Functionality (Quality Management) : PM Object Location and Account Assignment table – ILOA, Plant Maintenance: Partners table – IHPA … Functional Location. Berikut ini adalah database table untuk AFIH : Maintenance order header FIELD DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE LENGTH DECIMAL SHORT DESCRIPTION MANDT MANDT CLNT 3 0 Client AUFNR AUFNR CHAR 12 0 Order Number .INCLUDE AFIHF STRU 0 0 PM Order: Fields AFIH w/o Key ARTPR ARTPR CHAR 2 0 Priority Type PRIOK PRIOK CHAR 1 […] BKIS1-Individual calculation/verification item gen. JSTO-Status object information BPTR1-Object Data Control VBAK-Sales Document: Header Data The site sapbrainsonline.com is not affiliated with SAP AG. FPLT-Billing Plan: Dates Addresses (Business Address Services) LIPS-SD document: Delivery: Item data PRPS_R-Project Hierarchy Reporting Structure PM-WOC (Maintenance Processing in PM) component, SAP Maintenance Processing in PM transaction codes Full List, SAP Maintenance Processing in PM (PM-WOC) module tables list, SAP Maintenance Processing in PM Component Tutorial, SAP PM Module tutorial & PDF training materials, SAP Functional Modules (Solutions) Overview, List of SAP solutions & software products, T350E : Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. PLAF-Planned order IMPR-Investment Program Positions key figure line items by period ==>View Table relationships, ARKOPF-Archiving run header data Here For Data source: Select ‘Table Join’ from drop down and Enter. Also check out the Comments section below to view or add related contributions and example screen shots. BPVG1-Table Generated for View BPVG1 DRAD-Document-object link, AFIH - Maintenance order header Description . COEPD12-CO object: Unvaluated ln. FPLT (FPLTPS)-Billing plan for PSP/network (dates) You’ll get this screen. COSPP-Transfer of Order in the COSP Table to the Project AFIH-Maintenance order header PSMERK (PSMERK_PRPS)-Characteristics for Summarization for WBS Elements Here we would like to draw your attention to AFIH table in SAP. AUFK-Order master data BKIT1-Texts for CKIS item settlement w/status PSDYVB-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under VBAP COVPB1-CO object: Variance/accrual line items by period rule for order sett. EVVAL_RPSCO (EV_VAL)-Earned value analysis: earned value HEAD13-SAPscript: Text Header FPLA (FPLAPS)-Billing plan for PSP network plan LINE13-SAPscript: Text Lines FMSU1-FM totals records for financial data ANIB1-Invest. PSTAT-Condensed status display 0. BPVP1-Table Generated for View BPVP1 The following list is the SAP Tables for Production Orders Confirmationin SAP PP Source:Table name& field name for production order & operation confirmation Address Data . Table used for Maintenance order header.AFIH … Where Used List (View) for SAP ABAP Table/Structure Field AFIH-INGPR (AFIH) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository Below … Table . SAP SD tcodes SAP HR Tables & Infotypes SAP SRM Tutorial SAP Workflow Tutorial SAP Business One SAP EWM What is SAP transaction code ? The table AFIH (Maintenance order header) is a standard table in SAP ERP. BKHT2-Texts for CKHS DATABASE TABLE : AFIH. data, PMFLAGS : Flags if certain conversions have been run, TPMUC : Deactivate the Update Check CO_ZV_CONSISTENCY_CHECK, T350W : Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant, TEAMS : Table for Controlling the Setting of Statuses, T350 : Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type, TPMPO : Maintenance order processing profile, PMCOQT_OP : Quantity structure for the maintenance order, T350I : Combination of order type and PM activity type allowed, T353I_T : Maintenance activity type description, PMCOQT : Quantity structure for the maintenance order, IW8W : Goods Receipt f. Refurbishment Order. AFIH-INGPR Planner group SAP Table field attributes inc. INGRP Data Element INGPR is a standard field within SAP Table afih that stores Planner group information. Search the SAP Community 0 . VBUP-Sales Document: Item Status ERP vs CRM vs SAP SAP Certification Help & Details SAP R3 Architecture SAP Functional Modules (Solutions) Overview List of SAP solutions & software products SAP software capabilities and benefits. BKHS1-Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) AFIH-IPHAS Phase SAP Table field attributes inc. PM_PHASE Data Element IPHAS is a standard field within SAP Table afih that stores Phase information. VBKDPO-Sales document: Business item data (POSNR > 0) The list is completed with Other Objects which are none SAP QM exclusive but are used in SAP QM. Thank you. PSDYNP-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under AUFK RSTHIE-BRST structure of the hierarchy table ADRC . header (by period) VBUK-Sales Doc. COKS1-CO Object: Control Data for Secondary Planning PSDYRH-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under RSTHIE Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. for system/user status (table JEST) RPSCO1-Summarization Table for Project Reporting BPIG1-Budget Object Index (Overall Budget) PSDYIP-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under IMPR And this data will be stored in the table EQUI and EQUZ. PROJ-Project definition KPER-Additional data for KBEZ (person split in days) (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); What is ERP? header (by period) projects AFIH-PRIOK Priority SAP Table field attribute values such as data element, length, datatype PRIOK is a standard field within SAP Table afih that stores Priority information. 4. COVFP1-CO object: Financial data line items with doc. LINE20-SAPscript: Text Lines Here we would like to draw your attention to AFIH table in SAP. You can view further information about SAP AFIH Table and the data within it using relevant transactions such as SE11, SE80 or SE16. HEAD14-SAPscript: Text Header COBRB-Distribution rules for sett. AFIH (Maintenance order header) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Table: AFIH - Maintenance Order Header Data The following are the key fields within the AFIH table: - PRIOK = Priotiy given to the order - EQUNR = Number of the equipment assigned to the order - ILOAN = Location and Account assignment info. PEGQTY-Assigned pegging object quantities LINE11-SAPscript: Text Lines PSMERK (PSMERK_ACT)-Charactersitics for Summarization for Activity COKA1-CO Object: Cost Element Control Data AFFH01-Order PRT Data (for LDB) - 01 VBKD-Sales Document: Business Data COSS1-CO Object: Cost Totals for Internal Postings Berikut ini adalah database table untuk AFIH : Maintenance order header FIELD DATA ELEMENT DATA TYPE LENGTH DECIMAL SHORT DESCRIPTION .. To find the relation between Tables in SAP: 1. It can be installed in a … If any complaints about the posts please contact us at sapbrain.support@gmail.com. AFIH is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Maintenance order header data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. SAP ABAP Tables for Plant Maintenance (PM) The previous cheat-sheet (version 0.9) was popular, so I created an updated version with even more tables and relationships. COEPBR12-CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement Disclaimer:All of the product names here are trademarks of their respective companies. TABLES IN SAP SAP_Tabs Page 1 of 17 18/06/2007 Collect & Edit: Shmulik Adar SAP\Logistic Senior Consultant TABLES IN SAP ... AFIH Maintenance order header AUFM Goods movement for prod. COVP12-CO object: Line items with doc. PSDYPG-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under IMTP Where Used List (Function Module) for SAP ABAP Table AFIH (Maintenance order header) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository PSDYPD-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under PROJ SAP PM (Plant Maintenance) Tables : Technical Objects TCodesPreventive Maintenance TCodesMaintenance Processing TCodesWork Clearance Management TCodesMaintenance Projects TCodesEnterprise Services in Plant Maintenance TCodesInformation System TCodesAsset Viewer TCodes Delivery Class: A - Application table containing master and transaction data BKHT1-Texts for CKHS COSBD1-CO object: Sums of variance/accrual - calculated Advertisements. COSSD1-CO object: Internal cost totals - calculated COSLD-CO object: Activity type sums - calculated TPI031-CO Objects: Date of Last Interest Run Function . Below is the list of attribute values for this field including its length, data … AFFH is a standard SAP Table which is used to store PRT assignment data for the work order data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. SAP PM database structure for work orders, maintenance orders. Repeat the Step 3 and Insert the tables. LINE10-SAPscript: Text Lines CKHT1-Texts for CKHS CKHS1-Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) PSMLST-Milestone I/O Table AFRU01-Order Confirmations (for LDB) - 01 HEAD11-SAPscript: Text Header SAP PM Equipment Tables. AFFW_GRUND - Structure for Include in AFFW Table Description Module; PMSDO: PM organizational data for SD documents: PM-WOC simulation analysis report [ FREE ] SUBSCRIBE RECEIVE UPDATES & SAP ARTICLES RIGHT IN YOUR INBOX. AFIH is a SAP standard transparent table used for storing Maintenance order header related data in SAP. This is given in the Field Equipment which creating a Order. ONR00-General Object Number CKIT1-Texts for CKIS hdr Where Used List (View) for SAP ABAP Table/Structure Field AFIH-INSPK (AFIH) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository i know that relation between these tables AFIH and EQUZ and AUFK. Display/Maintenance via SM30: Yes but with Restrictions CKIS1-Individual calculation/verification item gen. I understood that header data is stored in AUFK and AFIH and AFKO. CKIP1-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item Where Used List (Program) for SAP ABAP Table AFIH (Maintenance order header) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online SAP Object Repository SAP PM Tables Relationship will help you go through the complex SAP Tables landscape of SAP PM. EKKO-Purchasing Document Header AFFWRM - Generated Table for View, Location and account assignment for technical object, Planner Group for Customer Service and Plant Maintenance, Object Type of CIM Resources for Work Center, Name of Person Responsible for Technical Inspection, Revision for Plant Maintenance and Customer Service, Order Category Indicator Plant Maintenance, A&D CMC: Bakımlık ünite denetimi/önceliği için ek yapı, Append structure for PM/CS Order Header fields, PM/CS Order Code Indicating Rotable Process, CMC: Use Minimum or Standard TWT from PP Matrix. Hello, we are implementing CS Orders. You have activated the Business Function Enterprise Asset Management Part 7 (LOG_EAM_CI_7). 3. KBED04-Capacity Requirement Recs for Planned Orders (LDB) COVPR1-CO object: Stat. COEPD11-CO object: Unvaluated ln. RPSQT-Summarization table for project reporting (quants) COVO1-CO Object: Open Items for Line Items (w/o doc.Hdr) 5. PSDYOK-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under RESB01 AFRU02-Order Confirmations (for LDB) -02 COVJR1-CO object: Line items stat. Person/Address Assignment (Business Address Services) Address Data . RESB01-Reservation/Dependent Requirement for LDB-01 ADCP . BPPE1-Totals Record for Period Values Control RESB04-Reservation/dependent reqs for plan order (LDB) EKET-Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines Add a Comment PSDYNV-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under ACT01 ELM_PS-Additional data for hierarchy nodes (LDB PSJ) JCDS-Change docs. KBEZ-Additional data for table KBED (for ind.req/split) COVJ11-CO object: Line items with doc header (by year) VSKOPF-Version: Header - general data for a How to find tables in SAP: Select the required field Press F1 for help Press F9 for technical information Double-click on the data element field Double-click on the domain field (provided PRTE-Scheduling Data for Project Item Hi Table AFIH contains maintenance order header data , but i want maintenance order item data .....culd u plz tell me the name of the table. Answers Include Comments Get RSS Feed. EVPOC_RPSQT (EV_POC)-Earned value analysis: percentage of completion AFIH is a SAP standard transparent table used for storing Maintenance order header related data in SAP. projects: Depr. COKR1-CO Object: Control Data for Statistical Key Figs SAP FI - Tables in Module. COSPD1-CO object: External cost totals - calculated HEAD20-SAPscript: Text Header AFKO-Order Header Data PP Orders The value for Order Category Indicator Plant Maintenance (AFIH-AKKNZ) appears to be inc PSTX-PS Texts (Header) PEGOB-Peg (master data of the CO object) COVJL1-CO object: Line items for acty types (by year) Here is the details of each fields in this table.You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in AFIH table. Please contribute. Next Page . 2. ... RSS Feed. COKP1-CO Object: Primary Planning Control Data BKIT2-Texts for CKIS AFAB01-Network Relationship (for LDB) - 01 LIKP-SD Document: Delivery Header Data Operations-data ist stored in AFVC. What is the link between AUFK auf AFVC if i need to have a join in my own coding? The common field is EQUNR in AFIH and EQUZ. Previous Page. BPIJ1-Budget Object Index (Annual Budget) You then created a Follow-on Order. All these Equipments are maintained in another transaction (IE03 Display). It comes under the package IWO1. simulation for invest. : Header Status and Administrative Data LINE14-SAPscript: Text Lines MLSTD-Milestone I/O Table SAP ABAP Table AFIH (Maintenance order header) - SAP Datasheet - The Best Online … VBAP-Sales Document: Item Data FPLA-Billing plan SAP database tables for Plant maintenance / work orders AUFK Order master data AFKO Header Data in PP Orders AFPO Order Item AFFL Work order sequence AFIH Maintenance order header ILOA PM Object Location and Account Assignment Join condition: AUFK-AUFNR = VIQMEL-AUFNR VIQMEL Notification Header (Table … IMTP-Investment programs HEAD10-SAPscript: Text Header AFFWV0 - Generated Table for View EVOP (EV_PARAM)-Object parameters for earned value analysis BKHS2-Header - Unit Costing (Control + Totals) See here for more information about this and other SAP enhancement categories key figures (by year) PSDYPR-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under PRPS_R SAP Table AFIH - Maintenance order header. BKIP1-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item HEAD12-SAPscript: Text Header What is SAP? EBKN-Purchase Requisition Account Assignment EKKN-Account Assignment in Purchasing Document What is Tables in SAP? AFFW_SORT_FIELDS - Sort Fields for AFFW AFFW_S_ALV - ALV Output Structure for Table AFFW ACT01-Activity for LDB 01 BPVJ1-Table Generated for View BPVJ1 Go to Transaction SQVI , Enter the QuickView name and click on Create. Use information on this site at your own risk. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP PM-WOC (Maintenance Processing in PM) component which is coming under PM module (Plant Maintenance). Details of SAP AFIH table & its fields. AFPO-Order Item COEPBR11-CO Object: Valuated Line Item Settlement PSDYVK-LDB PSJ: Dummy structure under VBAK Click on ‘Insert table’ and enter the table name. EBAN-Purchase requisition EKPO-Purchasing Document Item ANLI1-Link table for capital investment measure -> AuC You check the details of this order in table AFIH. BKIS2-Individual calculation/verification item gen. Here the SAP PM Tables relationship with fields join between relevant Plant Maintenance tables in SAP. you said that when order is created then equipment related data will be stored in the table EQUI and EQUZ. for the technical object - IWERK = Maintenance planning plant - REVNR = Revision number - QMNUM = Number of notification … COVP11-CO object: Line items with doc. COSR1-CO Object: Statistical Key Figure Totals JCDO-Change Documents for Status Object (Table JSTO) Below is the standard documentation available and a few details of the fields which make up this Table. BKIP2-Periodic Values for Unit Costing Item ANIA1-Depr. LINE12-SAPscript: Text Lines COSB1-CO Object: Total Variances/Results Analyses TPMPO SAP table for – Maintenance order processing profile, T350W SAP table for – Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant, PMCOQT_OP SAP table for – Quantity structure for the maintenance order, AFKO_KAL SAP table for – Storing calendar selections for Maintenance Order, VSAFIH_CN SAP table for – Version: Order header for plant maintenance, PMCO SAP table for – Cost structure of maintenance order, T350 SAP table for – Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type. AFFL-Work order sequence PSDYPEG-LDB PSJ: Dummy Structure Under PEGOB SAP tables list are classified by Business Topics. AFIH is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Maintenance order header data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. COVPL1-CO object: Activity type line items by period JEST-Individual Status per Object item settlement w/status It comes under the package IWO1. 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