Make requests and offers and accept and reject them. Before making a request, the student whose turn it is writes down the response they expect as Yes or No in their notebooks. and requests 5 to 9 begin with 'Can you...?' 'I'm sorry, I can't. The person or people making the requests should try to make them say yes, e.g. One student must try to answer all requests negatively, giving a different reason each time. Bring a small bottle of juice (e.g. Graded by level. - Hamed Lorestani, "Try a little role-switching is a fantastically useful tip." Here is a making polite requests worksheet activity to help students practice the language for making, accepting and declining polite . The aim is to use as many expressions as possible during the role-play. Jan 29, 2020 - Engaging ESL making requests activities, games, worksheets and lessons to help your students learn and practice how to make, accept and decline requests. The pairs then make, accept and refuse suggestions and write their agreed-on ideas for the party in a table on the worksheet. This is a variation on the game above. Could you take a message, please? Lesson . Give each student a request card. Remember to play the role on both sides of the dialog. Students are dealt out five to seven cards with Yes or No written on them. lessons 3 lessons Business English. Making Requests & Asking for Help ESL Games & Activities. Banking And Making … can and will are less polite:. The students continue in this way until they have spoken to as many different partners as possible. The picture cards with a 'cross' show refusal. After the request has been made, the card is placed face up on the table. Could I have some coffee? Can/May I have some juice, please? If students see a tick, they accept the request. The students give their partner the drawings they have made. Would you mind is followed by the verb and-ing. The students then take it in turns to guess the requests from their partner's pictures. The students decide who will be complaining and who will be dealing with the complaint. Next, give each pair of students a set of cards. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. After replying to those small requests, their partners should try to guess what the big request is. Interactive Version - In this making requests interactive worksheet, students work through various exercises to learn how to make polite requests with 'Would you mind...?' The first player to reach the finish wins the game. In this free making requests activity, students draw pictures of requests and try to guess requests from pictures a partner has drawn. Being Polite. So impressed." If the request is incorrect, the student refuses the request, e.g. In this engaging making requests lesson, students learn how to make, accept and decline requests using various phrases. If students don't want to do something, they decline the request and explain why. (negative politeness); and I would really love a cake. Students then work with a partner and take it in turns to make, accept and decline requests using the situations from Exercise A and phrases from Exercise B. 2. Asking for permission and Making a Request ESL 1. You need a taxi. going from “Sit down” to “Please sit down” then “Please take a seat”, “Please sit anywhere you like” and finally “Please sit anywhere you like whenever you are ready”. Students then read the two conversations with a partner and compare their answers. In this rewarding making requests teaching activity, students practice making, accepting and declining requests with 'Would you mind -ing...?' After the missing words have been guessed correctly or three chances have passed, Student B guesses the missing words in the second request and so on. The people replying must choose the thing that they would be most likely to really say in that situation from the list of such responses and the person who made the request can discard the card if it is one of the ones they have in their hand. 1)Teacher divides the class into two groups. Try These 5 Fast Activities to Practice Polite Requests. Each time a student uses a card, they score one point. Offers and invitations. Give each student a copy of the lesson. The player then tries to make a request for the situation using the request phrase on the square. To do this, the students use expressions for making requests and offers on the cards as part of their role-play. Students only agree to a classmate's request if they genuinely think they wouldn't mind doing it. Interactive Version - Here is a free making polite requests interactive worksheet to help students learn how to make, accept and decline polite requests. Students then move on to correct mistakes in requests. After that, the students identify the phrases used to make requests in the two dialogues and write them in a table. Would it be possible for you to…? “You can’t read and write”. I like the ideas. Students then use the phrases from the table to write requests and replies from a set of prompts. The student who is miming points and nods at students who provide accurate guesses until someone says the exact request on the card. This fun making requests board game can be used to help students practice or review various phrases for making requests. The students write five tasks they plan to do and need help with in a schedule on the worksheet, e.g. Student A begins by reading the first request in bold on their card to one of the other students, e.g. When you are finished with this lesson go to the Making Requests and Offers Activities Page . Each student may have no more than one signature from the same person. When a student successfully guesses the missing words, they write the words in the gaps on the worksheet. phrases like “Maybe later” and “Okay, but just this once”. The requests that contain words in bold are the ones their partner has to guess. When the students have finished, each pair joins with another pair to make a group of four. Divide the students into groups of four and give each student a card (A, B, C or D). The language you use makes a big difference in this case. Would there be any possibility of… Would you be kind enough to…? Make a request' and the phrase on the square was 'Do you mind...? Making requests worksheets Yes, of course. Asking Permission Hey, can I borrow your pen? Copyright © 2020 TeachThis Limited. The game continues until all the request cards have been used. Find making requests lesson plans and teaching resources. After that, students complete polite requests with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. and 'Would you mind...?' Students get three chances to guess the missing words in each request. Making requests worksheets and online activities. or 'Would you mind...?'. by asking for things that are so small that it is difficult to refuse them or by asking for something that can only easily be refused with an excuse they have already used (and so cannot use again). Unit 2 Making Requests / Asking for Permission/ Offering Helps Asking for, Giving and Refusing Permission by Using the Modals Can/Could. Making requests, offering help, asking permission. In this making requests speaking activity, students practice making, accepting and declining requests using cards as prompts. 'Sorry, but I do mind'. In the last exercise, students write a polite request for each situation using 'Could you..?' The students then go around the class, making a different request each time they speak to a classmate. All Rights Reserved. Making requests: Will/Would/Can/Could you please… Do you mind…? Draw the students' attention to the ten polite phrases for making . If a student already has something to do, they decline the request and give their reason, e.g. A superb activity and I will get plenty of use out of it!" Students hold their card so the request prompt is facing towards them and the tick or cross is facing away. Making requests, offering help, asking permission Level: intermediate Age: 9-17 Downloads: 262 : At the airport (9th form) Level: elementary Age: 14-16 Downloads: 249 : Making Polite Requests page 2 Level: intermediate Age: 14-17 The request cards are shuffled and placed face down in a pile in front of them. Nice activity to practise "making requests"; "offering help" and "asking permission". We use could you … and would you … as polite ways of telling or asking someone to do something:. Show your students how these words make a potentially offensive … This page lists useful expressions for the language function of making requests. A student from the other team then picks up a card and continues with the second mime and so on. Making requests and asking for permission. The students shuffle their picture cards and place them face up on the table. Student B then picks up a request card and so on. and 'Could you...?'. In this free making hotel requests game, students mime and guess hotel requests. They could also guess which of the requests written on the worksheet the person speaking is thinking of from the possible responses they say, or guess which of the responses on the worksheet they are thinking of from the list of requests they say could get that answer. When the students have finished, they go through any requests they got wrong and compare worksheets to check their answers. You can also do the same thing with brainstorming reasons for refusing a request, or trying to think of situations in which a particular excuse or phrase could be used. Divide the students into two groups (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. If students guess correctly the first time, they score three points. In this requests and suggestions activity, students plan and organize a class party by making, accepting and refusing requests and suggestions. Tel: +85281207580. Divide the students into teams of four and have each team pair up with an opposing team. The game continues until all the students have crossed off all their requests. Polite requests (video) - English Please watch and listen to the video, then choose the most suitable and polite request in the exercise. In this making requests activity, students guess missing words in requests. - David Cain, "Awesome advice!!! Give each pair of teams a set of mime cards. Could you add one example in pdf format for each idea given pleaseeeeee, "Great ideas! Following that, the students write four requests of their own and practice making, accepting and declining the requests with a partner. When they have done that, and while continuing the role-play, they take another card and repeat the process. One student must try to answer all requests negatively, giving a different reason each time. The student with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner. Read the conversations below and fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the lists. The person whose turn it is makes small requests that would form part of that big demand, e.g. Students get three chances to guess the request in each picture. Students are given a word or situation that they should brainstorm requests for, e.g. one point for “borrow a dictionary” and ten points for “use your car for a week”. Students from group A get the cards with the pictures. ESL Kids Games & Activities Back To Games Menu. You can use below phrases and expressions when asking someone to do something for you. The students with a matching accept or decline card then race to respond to the request. It is a perfect way to let them practice making offers and request in freer spe... 3,061 Downloads . … Learn how to use the modal verbs CAN, COULD, and WOULD with this short animated video. If the chosen student accepts the request by saying 'Yes, of course...', Student A crosses off the request. Give each student a set of accept and decline picture cards and a set of request cards (A, B, C or D). These are some basic tips that will make your requests sound more polite: use could instead of can; The students then discuss their suggestions for the party and write the best ideas in a second table. Spoken pr… On the third try, they score one point. In this ESL making requests instructional activity, students complete a total of 12 multiple choice questions, reading a questions and choosing who would ask it. Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. The students are divided into pairs and each pair is given a copy of the worksheet. Afterwards, the class votes for the group with the best party ideas. The student with the most points at the end of the activity is the winner. Do you mind if I is it OK if I could you turn What’s the problem Yes, … Hey Mike, may I turn-on the air-conditioner? These are simple grammatical structures for polite requests. These are the three most common ways for making requests: “Could youopen the door for me, please?” “Would you mindopening the door for me, please?” “Can youopen the door for me, please?’ Speaking tip: could and can are followed by the verb without to. A more complex one is to give each student a card with a reason for refusing lots of requests, e.g. The students begin by completing two gap-fill dialogues with words from a box on the worksheet. In this making requests speaking activity, students practice making, accepting and declining requests using cards as prompts. Check out the best requesting game and activity ideas for English learners. When a student agrees to a request, their name and accepted task is written in the table. The student also signs their name in the square under the task on their partner's worksheet. Jan 24, 2017 - A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Making requests, shared by English language teachers. Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers. They shouldn’t say how many points things have on their worksheet or show their worksheet to their partner, but rather find some way of tricking their partner into accept at least one bigger request. Very refreshing! If the request is correct, the student who read the situation accepts the request, e.g. Do you think you could…? ', the player might say 'Do you mind calling a taxi for me?' “Can you lend me your house?” for “No” and “Can you move your chair one centimetre to the left?” for “Yes”. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Response Sure! If a student is free at a stated day and time, they accept the request and write the task information in their schedule. Their job is to obtain those responses and so be able to discard the cards, with the first person with no cards left (or the person with fewest cards when the teacher stops the game) being the winner. Students only agree to a request if they genuinely think they wouldn't mind doing it. Would you carry this for me, please?. - Ana Cecília Miranda, "Only joined your site yesterday. Level: beginner. If that is in fact the answer they get, they can discard it. The students then repeat the activity, but this time they hold their card the other way round so the request prompt is facing away. The students are told that they are going to organize a class party and that there is an unlimited budget as the teacher is going to pay for everything! I'm helping Tim clean his house'. Writing practice: Have the students write one request using all four request strategies, e.g., Bake me a cake (bald on-record); Please bake me a cake, darling (positive politeness); You wouldn’t mind baking me a cake, would you? 'Could you go to the shop and buy ten bottles of Champagne?' requests at the top of the worksheet and review the … The students draw pictures of requests in corresponding numbered squares on the worksheet. Brainstorm common situations that cause complaints with the class and write the students' ideas on the board. In this fun making requests game, students race to find someone to accept their requests. Requests. 'Could you help me wash my car on Tuesday afternoon?' The card is then placed at the bottom of the pile and it's the next student's turn to play. Would you pass the salt? If students don't want to do something, they decline the request and explain why. Could you do me a favor? On one side is a request prompt and on the other side is a tick or cross. 'Could you lend me ten dollars?' Students then read some short impolite dialogues and rewrite the requests and responses to make them more polite. - Michael Patrick, "Thank you for sending the reading/discussion activity on Driverless Cars. Often, however, the first symbolic request we teach is for ‘more.’ Focusing on a single symbol for recurrence allows us to quickly move between activities and materials without having to change to using different … requests containing the word “pencil” or requests inside a taxi. Requests Games for ESL Kids. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Examples: at the post office, talking to a friend on the telephone, at the … Do you think it would be possible to...? The students shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile next to the game board. There are currently 26 worksheets in this section to help you turn your students into very polite individuals.The variety of activities available means that there is something suitable for … On the third try, they score one point. Interactive Version - In this making requests breakout room activity, pairs of students guess missing words in requests. When everyone has finished drawing their pictures, students cut the worksheet so the drawings and requests are separate. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. 'Could you help me with my suitcase?' Thank you so much Josef!" Students then write in the phrases used to accept or decline each request. Asking for Permission and Making a Request 2. The aim of the game is for students to make requests and race to find the person in their group who has the 'Yes, of course' response to each request. This can also be played with cards that have the actual wording of the responses on them, e.g., TeachThis Limited, 2301 Bayfield Building, 99 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Give each student a request card. orange juice) to class. Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. The first student to accept or decline the request and lay their matching picture card down on top of the request card wins. When the students have finished, they choose a new situation from the board, swap roles, shuffle the cards and repeat the process. When making a request at work, make sure to do it in a kind and polite way, as you don't want to sound like you are giving orders. If the chosen student declines the request by saying 'I'm sorry...', Student A has to wait until their next turn before making the request to another student. Students then pair up with someone from the other group. “Can I go home early?” or “Could you just polish them a little?” for those two examples). the student might draw a picture of someone carrying many books. Would you mind if I close the door? Eslflow's guide to teaching complaints, requests and customer service with vocabulary and speaking lesson plans & activities. Students begin by underlining the correct expression to complete each request. On each card are three requests and nine replies that accept and deny requests. A simple activity to help students out with making polite requests is to give them a scenario and then ask students to come up with a question. After teaching the four ways of making requests in English, assign activities to the ESL students as practice. Give each group of three or four a copy of the game board, a set of everyday situation cards, a dice and counters. When the students have completed their plans, they take it in turns to make requests to each other to organize and complete tasks in preparation for the party, e.g. For each request, students must speak to two people. On one side is a request prompt and on the other side is a tick or cross. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. When a classmate responds to a request, the student writes down their reply and name on the worksheet. The students begin the role-play and as quickly and naturally as possible, use the expression on the card in the conversation. The most common way of making a polite request is using the modals ‘could’ and ‘would’. Divide the students into pairs (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. That student then looks for a matching reply on their card. The student with the most tricks at the end of the game wins. Practice activities for making requests in English, including being polite, responding and giving reasons. Divide the students into groups of four. Students then go around the class making, accepting and declining requests with as many different partners as possible. When the students have finished, they exchange cards. Have your learners read aloud the 'A' statements to a partner who responds with his / her own request. The first student to say the correct request scores a point for their team. Activities page making, accepting and refusing requests and offers activities page the chosen student the! Board ( e.g read 'You are at a stated day and time they. Student B then picks up a card with a partner and compare answers... For “ use your car for a matching reply on their worksheet their name in the group with most. `` asking permission Hey, can I go home early? ” for two. The response they expect as yes or No in their notebooks responds with /! Requests with the best ideas in a pile next to the ten polite to... 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