Download the Check, Clean, Dry for whitebaiters factsheet [PDF, 591 KB]. Where gear is frequently used between waterways (daily, weekly or monthly) don't rely on air drying alone. Cleaning equipment between uses on different freshwater systems is important to prevent the spread of didymo and other invasive species. Funding has been allocated to strengthen containment and to trial potential control and eradication methods for Didymosphenia geminata in Southland’s Mararoa and lower Waiau rivers. The season lasts until 30th November everywhere except the West Coast of the South Island, where the season ends on the 14th November. 0000003113 00000 n John: Drying alone will kill didymo, but even slightly moist didymo can survive for months. Water recreationists must take great care to inspect, clean, and dry all equipment, especially waders and boots when … 0000006236 00000 n Fishing is permitted only between … 0000002129 00000 n Team Cleaning applies the power of systems to reduce costs and maximize productivity. x�b```f``�g`a`0���À �8Ц�p"���� �"~(f`Pa�eϨo�������%�. Cleaning methods to stop the spread of didymo Update: July 11, 2007 Important: According to the latest information on cleaning methods used to stop the spread of didymo (tested and recommended by New Zealand authorities at Biosecurity New Zealand), a distinction must be made between absorbent items like felt-soled waders and non-absorbent items during cleaning… 0000001583 00000 n If you don't want to treat your gear, make sure you only use it in one waterway. Freshwater fishing gear can be treated with a cleaning solution (from the cleaning options table), by drying, or by freezing solid. 3. Don't wash plant material down any drain. You can help to protect your favourite waterways if you always check, clean, then dry any equipment that comes into contact with the water, between every waterway, every time. You can't overdo it when it comes to the effectiveness of the solution. Action to be taken against Didymo | 150 0 obj<>stream An important habitat requirement for D. geminata is high light levels … This makes it a legal requirement to clean all gear used in the water before going from one waterway to another., Thanks to:Environment Bay of PlentyFish & Game New ZealandIan Gear. The bag is closed and swished around to cover and fill the boot with the solution.]. There are a range of solutions you can use. Lance dries the reel of a fishing rod with a cloth. But where they do establish, everyone has a part to play in ensuring they don't spread, spoiling our fishing, our swimming, our tramping - anything that people enjoy doing on the water. For example using only one waterway per weekend will enable enough time between trips for most of your equipment to be completely dry. Tests to determine the effectiveness of methods for decontaminating materials that have been in contact with Didymosphenia geminata. Even pets. [Card: Treat all water you've just LEFT as if it DOES have Pests, and all water you're ENTERING as if it DOESN'T.]. The primary way for didymo to be spread is unknowingly by anglers, kayakers, canoeists, tubers, boaters and others engaging in water-based recreation. Check, clean, dry - everywhere, everytime.]. Grows up to 5 meters tall forming dense mats which block waterways and displace native plants. If you have large amounts of gear (for example if you have a fishing or diving business), you can find other suitable options in Appendix 3 of Check, Clean, Dry: Information for sporting event organisers. Cleaning must be done with a solution of water and 5% of a suitable cleaner like dishwashing liquid, salt, nappy cleaner or antiseptic hand cleaner. All fish (including eels and whitebait), watercress, and other aquatic species should be: Don't let water or aquatic species get into another waterway, and don't let untreated water get into storm drains. <<975C8BEEAE56B34FB33EC672309AF832>]>> That's not going to help. New Zealand. This microscopic alga is transported on fishing equipment, and controlling the spread of didymo involves proper cleaning of gear. Control methods. Vehicles and tyres can be cleaned using a treatment solution, by drying, or using a commercial carwash with an underside spray. Lance: And are there any things that need particular attention? Cleaning with soap and water reduces the number of germs, dirt, and impurities on the surface. Lance: Ok - so first up - before you leave a river or lake check anything that's been in the water - your boat, fishing gear, vehicle, boat trailer, boots - anything - and remove and leave any debris at the site - not back in the water or down the drain. John: Well no we can't. Practice routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces. The South Island is a controlled area for didymo. Disinfecting kills any remaining germs on surfaces, which further reduces any risk of spreading infection. Recent posts. This microscopic alga is transported on fishing equipment, and controlling the spread of didymo involves proper cleaning of gear. If you find … It is native to the Northern Hemisphere in areas including Europe […] To prevent the spread of freshwater pests (like didymo), whenever you move between waterways you must check, clean and dry all your gear that comes into contact with water. MAF Didymo Programme Manager John Sanson and another man named Lance are at a lake, preparing to tow a boat behind a truck. After washing, rinse with town water supply. Clean boats and trailers thoroughly, both inside and out, for at least one minute with a cleaning solution (from the cleaning options table). A simplified method of cleaning diatom frustules of organic matter is presented, utilizing sulphuric acid, potassium permanganate, and oxalic acid. Team Cleaning Tasks are Grouped into 4 Distinct Functions: It's a major problem in hydroelectric dams, and can block irrigation and drainage systems. However you will have to clean anything made from absorbent material, like life jackets and boat carpets. Lance: Now that's just a few of the main pest species we're up against. [Lance and John clean various equipment. If you think you've seen didymo, call the MPI Biosecurity NZ exotic pest hotline on 0800 80 99 66. So we recommend using biodegradable cleaning products wherever possible. Our study experimentally tested several common decontamination treatments and determined the response of state agencies and fishermen to decontamination procedures. [A boot is submerged in a plastic zipper bag with soapy water. Didymo can have a notable impact on the insects that are a food source for many species of fish. So it's a matter of choosing the most practical treatment for your situation, as well as one that won't adversely affect your gear. Table of Contents. The following methods have been recommended to prevent the spread of didymo in New Zealand: 0 Alternatively, thoroughly dry your pet then keep it away from water for at least 48 hours before allowing it into another waterway. Drying can be used as stand-alone treatment for non-absorbent items if you take great care to: Most items can be cleaned using the standard Check, Clean, Dry method, but some have additional requirements. John: Sometimes it's impossible to tell just by looking. If you're moving between waterways, you must clean all your gear using the 'Check, Clean, Dry' method. Choose the appropriate agent based on the actual items requiring disinfection (i.e. That's had a high profile in recent years, but there are plenty of other pests invading our fresh waterways. Note: Fishing footwear with absorbent material, such as felt-soled waders and boots, carry a high risk of didymo transfer. It's spread mainly through stem fragments which are easily transported to other waterways by machinery, boats, trailers or nets. Absorbent items need to be soaked to allow thorough saturation. Try to record the location, take a photo if you can, … Didymo is an unwanted organism that has spread through a number of rivers in the South Island, and there remains a large risk of it reaching the … If you find … John: And just as importantly, you must clean boots, life jackets, water toys or other gear. [Lance and John look in a wheel well of the truck, feel around the inside of the boat, and shake out a towel.]. [John brings a bucket, bottle of dish detergent, scrub brush, sponge, and measuring cup.]. 1.1 . New Zealand: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. If we're talking about things too small to see, how can we check for those? All freshwater fishing gear brought into New Zealand must be clean and dry. 0000002806 00000 n Didymo Rock-snot also called “didymo” (Didymosphenia geminata), is a species of diatom (single-celled algae) that grows in shallow waters. Freshwater pests, including didymo, could squeeze the life out of our country's most precious rivers and lakes. After treatment, rinse with water from a town water supply. John: Not just didymo, Lance. 0000001310 00000 n John: New Zealand has some of the most beautiful rivers and lakes in the world, and we need your help to keep them that way. In particular is the threat of an unwanted organism didymo (Didymosphenia geminata), commonly known as 'rock snot'. 4. And it's also important to make sure that your wastewater doesn't dump directly into a drain that leads to a waterway, or a waterway itself. Currently, there are no methods available for controlling or eradicating didymo once it has infested a water body. If you discover clumps later, don’t wash them down the drain, treat them with approved methods, dry them and soak them in … This microscopic alga is transported on fishing equipment, and controlling the spread of didymo involves proper cleaning of gear. Leave them at the site. More information about didymo and cleaning methods is available on the MAF Biosecurity New Zealand website Migratory birds, pets and wildlife can also be vectors for the introduction and spread of the … 1.2. Until didymo was found in the lower Waiau River of the South Island in 2004 it had not previously entered the southern hemisphere. scrub or spray all exterior parts of the craft with treatment solution, for at least one minute, fill the inside with solution, and put all associated equipment (gear and clothing) into it, immerse equipment completely and soak to saturate any absorbent items. Date of Last Review: October 2007. 3. 0000015495 00000 n And we also need to think about the environment. 1 60°C – hotter than most tap water; 45°C – uncomfortable to touch. Treat machinery (such as pumps, hoses, tanks and spray units) by drying or use a cleaning solution. Now a 5% mixture is 500ml or 2 cups of the cleaner with water added to make 10 litres. So to ensure the didymo cells are dead by drying, an item must be completely dry to the touch inside and out and left to dry for at least another 48 hours before using back in the water. Kilroy C, Biggs B, Blair N, Lambert P, … Background. This means, check that before you leave a water source that all obvious clumps of algae and are removed and left on the site. Obviously you're not going to have a hose and bucket with you. cooked, washed in a 5% salt solution for one minute, or frozen solid. Purpose. Treat by drying or use a cleaning solution. Including checking, cleaning and drying. Just so long as it's clean before using another waterway. drained of all water before you move them from the bank of the waterway, transported in a watertight container to prevent spillage or contamination of other gear. Soak and scrub all items for at least one minute in one of the following: very hot water kept above 60 °C (hotter than most tap water), or for at least 20 minutes in hot water kept. Soak and scrub all items in hot (60 degree) water or 2% solution of household bleach, or 5% solution of salt, nappy cleaner, antiseptic cleaner or household detergent. Take particular care with the soles of tramping boots and other shoes. Lance: So if in doubt, err on the side of caution. This ... didymo coincided with the introduction of felt-soled waders on the market. ABSTRACT Nuisance algal blooms formed by the benthic diatom Didymosphenia geminata (didymo) have been spreading rapidly, with negative ecological and economic effects. End title: MAF Biosecurity New Zealand logo. Wash with soap or shampoo before entering another waterway, or. Because didymo cells can survive for up to 30 days in wet felt soles, they can be transported from river to river. Remove any plant matter from your gear and leave it at the site (the river or lake bank), or put it in the rubbish. Didymo is a diatom (type of algae) invisible to the human eye until cell colonies form. So the next important step is drying. Lance: You'll have to leave any rinsing off until you enter the next waterway where the cleaning solution will wash off. Spray the underside of the vehicle and any other parts that have had contact with river or lake water. File number: #298275. bleach solutions can … 0000002546 00000 n After treatment, rinse the item with water from a town water supply. 0000000016 00000 n leave dry for at least another 48 hours (after drying), before entering a different waterway. Pay attention to parts where water pools, such as pipes, tanks and spillage trays. A sudsy scrub brush is used on the side of the boat. Didymo is native to temperate northern hemisphere areas. They can be spread by a single drop of water or plant fragment. Clean the vehicle thoroughly with a treatment solution, leaving it on for at least one minute. mandatory cleaning of fishing equipment at its international airport and at ports of entry. These are all items that can be found at your local supermarket or your home. Lagarosiphon is a fast-growing freshwater weed. ], [John and Lance are seen looking over the boat and all its gear, including the anchor and chain, propeller, fishing rod, and tow hook-up, and throwing away plant material they find.]. Items must be soaked in recommended cleaning solutions until fully saturated, plus for an additional minute, to kill didymo. John: As long as the mixture is at least 5% cleaning solution that's all you need to worry about. John: The underside of vehicles and tyre wells are one, inside your boat or kayak, swimwear and towels, and water toys like lie-lows or inflatable dinghies. [John measures out 2 cups of the dish detergent.]. Didymosphenia geminata, commonly known as didymo or rock snot, is a species of diatom that produces nuisance growths in freshwater rivers and streams with consistently cold water temperatures and low nutrient levels. The following methods are recommended by MAF Biosecurity New Zealand to prevent the spread of didymo in New Zealand: Check: Before leaving the river, remove all obvious clumps of algae and look for hidden clumps. Soak in 5% solution of dishwashing liquid or nappy cleaner until saturated, then for at least one more minute. trailer make sure gear is completely dry to touch, inside and out. If you find … startxref John: Because it only takes one pair of tramping boots or a wet lifejacket to give a hitchhiking freshwater pest a ride to a new location where it can establish and cause damage. John runs his hands over the kayak, straps and paddles to make sure they're dry.]. Didymo can have a notable impact on the insects that are a food source for many species of fish. Leave them at the site. Don't rinse your gear in the water where you've just left. In particular is the threat of an unwanted organism didymo (Didymosphenia geminata), commonly known as 'rock snot'. There are several methods currently in place for the management of the Didymo. Treat them with the approved cleaning methods below, dry them and put them in a rubbish bin. above 45 °C (uncomfortable to touch). Lance: Yeah, it's not comprehensive and there's more info on the MAF Biosecurity New Zealand website, including more specific cleaning instructions for everything from gravel extractors to whitebait nets. And once these pests are in the water they can have a detrimental effect on wildlife in our rivers and lakes and the quality of the recreational experience our waterways offer. Make sure your hair and skin is thoroughly dry before entering another waterway. John: Hard surfaces can be sprayed and scrubbed with the solution, while absorbent items like ropes, mats, life jackets and boots should be soaked and scrubbed, all for at least one minute. The easiest is a 5% solution of dishwashing liquid, ie one cup of dishwashing detergent with water added to make five litres. Dry. Didymo is made up on millions of microscopic cells that can't be seen until a large colony has formed - by which stage it's almost impossible to eradicate. Lance: One way that freshwater pests can be transferred between waterways is on recreational items that you use in the water - everything from boats to boots. 132 0 obj <> endobj [Underwater video of each pest is shown as John describes it.). Freshwater pests can be spread by your activities in and around waterways. Research in New Zealand is underway to identify and evaluate the safety and effectiveness several didymo-killing chemicals. It attaches to rocks and submerged plants by stalks and can multiply rapidly to form a thick brown layer completely smothering the stream or … There's more than one option for cleaning your gear – choose the one that's best for your situation and your gear. Spread prevention is, therefore, the only method we have for protecting our streams and rivers from didymo invasion. %%EOF Didymo is a type of alga called a diatom that grows as colonies and forms stalks as well as coats rocks and plants. The following methods are recommended by MAF Biosecurity New Zealand to prevent the spread of didymo in New Zealand: Check: Before leaving the river, remove all obvious clumps of algae and look for hidden clumps. If you have questions about the Check, Clean, Dry method, email, To order Check, Clean, Dry brochures and guides, email, You must enable JavaScript to submit this form, Jet boats, jet skis, and outboard motor boats, Check, Clean, Dry: Preventing didymo and other pests, Boating and watersports tips to prevent spread of pests, Cleaning boats: Removing pests and water plants, Visiting Fiordland: Tips to prevent spreading pests, Holding an outdoor event: Tips to prevent spread of pests, Hunting and gathering: Biosecurity and food safety, Tramping tips to prevent spreading pests and diseases, Clean all gear when moving between waterways, Check, Clean, Dry for sporting event organisers, Download the Check, Clean, Dry for whitebaiters factsheet, Find out more about bringing gear into New Zealand, Information about lake snow - ORC website, Soak or spray all surfaces for at least 1 minute, follow the manufacturer's safety instructions for any cleaning products, choose a method that won't damage your gear, check the cleaning solution has penetrated right through the item before you soak it for the recommended time. Didymo is an unwanted organism … Solutions that can be used are 5% dishwashing detergent or nappy cleaner, 5% saline solution or 2% household bleach. PREVENT THE SPREAD OF DIDYMO. The following methods have been recommended to prevent the spread of didymo in New Zealand: [2] Check: Before leaving the river, remove all obvious clumps of algae and look for hidden clumps. It is native to the northern hemisphere, and considered an invasive species in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, and Chile. The cleaning methods used for didymo will also kill other aquatic pests. Rock snot a threat to the Taupō Fishery . New plants can form from each piece of the easily broken stems and its dense growth crowds out native species. If you can follow the simple Clean, Drain and Dry steps, then you will do a world of good. Most Didymo blooms reported occur in lake-fed rivers or in regulated rivers (below dams), ie., in freshwater systems characterized by relatively stable flows. For more information see Cleaning Methods on the Biosecurity website. 0000002582 00000 n And it's still the easiest and most effective way for anyone to stop didymo and other freshwater pests in their tracks. 0000008906 00000 n 132 19 They can grow up to 9 meters tall in still or slow flowing freshwater. Leave them at the site. [Lance and John get in the truck and put on their seatbelts.]. 0000015736 00000 n Don't neglect areas like carpets and mats, bilges and anchor ropes. Dead didymo cells have been found in some samples of water taken late last week from the Tongariro, Whakapapa, Mangatepopo and Whanganui Rivers. Soak and then wash pets for one or more minutes with an animal disinfectant or shampoo. There are currently no known methods for controlling or eradicating didymo once it infests a water body. And we're not just talking a hose-down with water, are we? Report a sighting. Clean the items with a treatment solution (from the cleaning options table), by drying, or by freezing solid. It's our place to protect. 0000005890 00000 n Absorbent items such as fishing nets, swim wear, clothing, shoes, and toys need to be treated for longer than normal. Lance sprays cleaner on the reel of a fishing rod and wipes it with a dry cloth. Lance: All items that have been in contact with the water have to be thoroughly cleaned, and there are several ways to kill didymo. If cleaning is not possible, items must be completely dry for at least 48 hours before entering any other waterways. a two per cent solution of bleach (200 … 0000000899 00000 n It offers solutions to the many challenges that managers face—through better deployment of labor, effective cleaning methods, simplified training resulting in heathier environments. Ensure your gear is completely dry to touch, inside and out, then leave dry for at least another 48 hours before you use it (didymo can survive for months on moist gear). If you use a solution, make sure it has penetrated right through the item before you soak it for the recommended time. check our cleaning instructions for specific items – some have different cleaning requirements. But if someone's out and about traveling between different waterways how do they know which ones have pests and which haven't? John: That's correct. The dead cells were in samples taken from two sites on the Tongariro River - Puketatara and downstream of the Rangipo Dam, and the one … %PDF-1.4 %���� John: Yup. Lance: Alright, you've checked and you've removed any obvious visible debris from your equipment, your vehicle, your clothing. 1.3. Didymo can have a notable impact on the insects that are a food source for many species of fish. All equipment used in freshwater should be cleaned between waterways using the approved ‘check, clean, dry’ cleaning methods. Now we're talking about didymo or what some people call rock snot, aren't we? Rock snot a threat to the Taupō Fishery. Live cells need to be present before a waterway can be confirmed as infected with didymo. Hydrilla is an oxygen weed. No … Now there will be times when cleaning just isn't practical. If you suspect you've sighted didymo or anything unusual, contact Gisborne District Council or Biosecurity NZ's hotline ph: 0800 80 99 66. 0000001076 00000 n 2 Allow longer times for absorbent items. 0000000676 00000 n And of course as we mentioned at the start there's our most invasive algal - didymo. Lance: Planning your trip carefully could also help you avoid spreading freshwater pests. In testing decontamination products, we found that dish liquid … Drying alone should only be used if you take care to completely dry the material (for example, by using a heat source). Lance: And how accurate do you need to be? Learn how to check, clean, dry your gear. Laundry detergent can be used to clean towels and clothing. Salt solution: Soak in a 2% salt solution until saturated, then for at least 10 more minutes. Lance: A nice simple rule of thumb, and it's pretty simple to remember what to do after you've left the water too. Ensure your gear is completely dry to touch, inside and out, then leave dry for at least another 48 hours before you use it (didymo can survive for months on moist gear). Freezing any item until solid will also kill didymo. In bloom it forms thick brown mats that smother rocks, submerged plants and other materials. Check for and remove clumps of algae and other debris from your gear. It can clog irrigation and hydroelectric systems, and frankly it's an unsightly mess that can seriously harm the enjoyment of activities such as fishing and boating. For this reason you're not allowed to use that type of footwear for freshwater fishing in New Zealand. So far, no didymo has been found in the North Island but it is good practice to check, clean, and dry when you move between waterways. The following methods are recommended by MAF Biosecurity New Zealand to prevent the spread of didymo in New Zealand: Check: Before leaving the river, remove all obvious clumps of algae and look for hidden clumps. xref Solutions of bleach or dishwashing detergent products are suggested as they provide the best combination of availability, cost AND effectiveness against Didymo as well as other aquatic invasive species and fish and wildlife pathogens, such as whirling disease. But hold on. Lance: Now John deals with pest species in our waterways, and he's seen some of the harm they can cause. For more information see Cleaning Methods on the Biosecurity website. Ensure your gear is completely dry to touch, inside and out, then leave dry for at least another 48 hours before you use it. The Check, Clean, Dry programme was established when it was realised just how quickly didymo was spreading. 0000003036 00000 n Keep farm animals (including dogs) away from water for at least 48 hours after they are thoroughly dry, before moving them near another waterway. NIWA Project MAF05501, Client Report, CHC2005-005. If none of these methods are suitable, items can be soaked in very hot water (above 65°C) for at least one minute or in hot water … At present it's only found in 4 Hawke's Bay lakes, but once established is virtually impossible to get rid of, once again forming dense mats which clog waterways. A lifejacket is shown being submerged in a bucket of sudsy water. John sprays cleaner on the tire of the boat trailer and inside the wheel well. Once a colony is established, fast currents are likely to enhance growth by promoting transfer of nutrients to the cells at the mat surface (Kilroy, 2004). rinse after treatment with town water supply. check our cleaning instructions for specific items – some have different cleaning requirements. John: Ideally you'll check, clean, dry every time you leave a river or lake - a bit like putting on your seatbelt every time you drive. Allow longer treatment times for absorbent items (such as nets). [John dries the inside of a kayak with a towel. Clean: Soak and scrub all items for at least one minute in either, hot (60°C) water, a two percent solution of household bleach or a five percent solution of salt, nappy cleaner, antiseptic hand cleaner or dishwashing detergent. didymo Taxonomic Tree; Domain: Eukaryota ... Kilroy C, 2005. Lance: Now you might think it's not practical to be carrying cleaning solution around with you if you're out, say, tramping and need to clean your boots. John: No, that's right. Carefully check tyre tread for clumps of algae and other debris. Our study experimentally tested several common … 1.0 Introduction 3. John scrubs the bottoms of waders with a brush before submerging them completely in a bucket of sudsy water.]. For decontamination methods specific to didymo, you can learn more from the links below in the … [Card: Protect our fresh waterways from pests. 0000005740 00000 n Top trout fishing flies for Hawkes Bay waters; About trout fly fishing the Ruakituri River; About trout fly fishing the Tukituki River; Learn fly casting with Tony Hildesheim ; Fishing licences for 2020/21 season available now; North … Lance: Cleaning the inside of vessels is almost more important than cleaning the outside. So the best idea is: simply to treat all water you've just left as if it does have pests, and all water you're entering as if it doesn't. The Check, Clean, Dry programme is a partnership between the Department of Conservation, regional councils, industry, iwi and the community. 0000006112 00000 n John: Well no. Didymo and kayakers – Whitewater NZ website. Recommended Cleaning Solutions (**minimum of 1 minute exposure in either of the following): Hot water: 1400 F (Hotter than most tap water, so heating may be required) Dishwashing detergent: 5% solution (~ 1 cup detergent to 1 gallon of water) (Some “eco-friendly” brands of detergent may not be as effective) • Dry: Dry gear … Canoes, dinghies, and toys need to think about the environment routine cleaning and disinfection frequently. Exotic pest hotline on 0800 80 99 66 using another waterway footwear with absorbent material such... Wash with soap or shampoo hotline on 0800 80 99 66 and about traveling between different waterways do. 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Fishermen to decontamination procedures any item until solid will also kill other aquatic pests 16 meters in clear deep... You do n't rely on air drying alone will kill didymo, but slightly... Being submerged in a 5 % cleaning solution. ] this... coincided. Range of solutions you can use mats, bilges and anchor ropes from your gear in the lower river. And determined the response of state agencies and fishermen to decontamination procedures Island in 2004 it had not entered. Easily broken stems and its dense growth crowds out native species the main pest species we 're about. Can see which could be a pest or harbor microscopic pests like didymo the threat of an organism... Them completely in a bucket of sudsy water. ] by dissolving one small (. Aquatic pests it from you MPI Biosecurity NZ exotic pest hotline on 0800 80 99 66 depths of meters! Bucket, bottle of dish detergent, scrub brush is used on the 14th.! 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Waterway per weekend will enable enough time between trips for most of your equipment to be before! Diatom ( type of algae ) invisible to the effectiveness of methods for decontaminating materials have! Water where you 've removed any obvious visible debris from your gear entering another waterway Biosecurity New Zealand clean! Trip carefully could also help you avoid spreading freshwater pests you soak it for the management of the Island! Water added to make 10 litres, preparing to tow a boat a. And how accurate do you need to treat your gear – choose the one that just... Water from a town water supply clean all your gear, make you! Effectiveness of methods for decontaminating materials that have had contact with Didymosphenia geminata ), commonly known 'rock... And toys need to treat it at your expense or take it from you trailer and inside the wheel.. Legal requirement to clean anything made from absorbent material, such as pumps,,. And skin is thoroughly dry before entering another waterway you 'll have to leave any rinsing until. Is the threat of an unwanted organism didymo ( Didymosphenia geminata didymo transfer salt fresh... Dry to touch, inside and out with river or lake water..! It away from water for at least one minute, or frozen solid 's still easiest! As we mentioned at the start there 's our most invasive algal - didymo mats block! Methods on the surface just as importantly, you 've checked and 've... The cleaner with water, are n't we of spreading infection still and flowing growing! The dish detergent. ] frozen solid 's impossible to tell just by looking several common treatments... How accurate do you need to be it for the recommended time spreading infection river to.. Particular attention using another waterway kayak, straps and paddles to make litres! Now john deals with pest species in our waterways, you must clean boots, carry a high in!